
Pharmacological treatment as an adjunct to therapy for a variety of disorders: Depression, BiPolar, ADHD, Anxiety, Panic, Psychosis, Eating Disorders, OCD.

Medication Overview

Many people experience a form of depression or anxiety at some point in their lives. When depression, anxiety, insomnia interfere with normal functioning in many aspects of our life beyond a reasonable period of time, medication may be necessary to rebalance our chemistry, often in conjunction with psychotherapy. Certain forms of depression such as BiPolar disorder require medication to achieve a normal chemical balance to enable an individual to live a normal life.

How Columbia Counseling Can Help

Call the Center and make an appointment with a psychiatrist for a medication evaluation to determine whether you may benefit from medication.

Commonly Treats:

  • Depression, anxiety, mood swings
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Recurrent unwanted thoughts
  • OCD
  • Sleep difficulties and insomnia
  • Anger, irritability, grief
  • Attention, concentration, ADHD
  • Phobia
  • PTSD

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