Couple & Marital Conflicts

Effective communication and conflict resolution to promote enduring loving relationships with emotional and physical fulfillment.
Couple & Marital Conflicts

Couple & Marital Conflicts Overview

Are you struggling with conflicts in your relationship? Do you feel misunderstood by your spouse or partner? Do you question fidelity or feel betrayed or mistrustful? Do you have difficulty with expressing your feelings to your partner? Do you want intimacy but feel unloved or emotionally disconnected? Don’t wait call the Center now. Early intervention with an experienced marital therapist maximizes the opportunity to have a satisfying and enduring relationship.

How Columbia Counseling Can Help

Call the Center and see a Psychologist who specializes in couples and marital therapy to assess and rebuild an honest, trusting and enduring relationship. Improve communication, emotional expressiveness, intimacy, and strenthen the bond for resilience to face life’s challenges together as partners on the same team.

Common Themes

  • Communication difficulties
  • Emotional expressiveness
  • Affairs Trust Betrayal
  • Separation and divorce alternatives
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Relationship enrichment
  • Intimacy
  • Premarital counseling
  • Multi-cultural couples

Our self-pay rates will soon be updated. Please contact our staff for more information.